Phase 3 A.K.A Intro to Back-end Programming

Chanel Clare
1 min readOct 4, 2021

I have completed my phase 3 project for Academy Xi’s Software Engineering Bootcamp. Phase 3 is all up about Ruby, the first introduction to the bootcamps back-end portion of the course.

This project is all about building a command line application and as my first-ever command line application I have created a News App that fetches the top 10 trending news application from the NewsAPI and you can navigate through it with some baked in command-line methods I have written into the file.

The News API is a straight forward API with snippets of useful data that was easy to retrieve data from using the Uni-Rest gem and proved a straight forward way to create a command-line application.

I opted out of the Scraper tool as I just could not decide on what website to use and scrape from, but I definitely have a few ideas I will work on in another command line application!

Overall, this was such a cool project to work on and I cannot wait to create more complicated applications in the future!

